
Prayer Request

God is listening.  He hears you.  Even when our words simply won't come, God's Spirit will help us in our weakness, interceding "with sighs too deep for words." (Romans 8:26)  Prayer works.  It heals.  It changes minds.  It changes lives.  It is a unique, powerful, and effective way for us to place ourselves in the arms of our Heavenly Father and to cast our cares upon Him.

Prayer Team

Prayer Team Covenant

The Joplin First Church prayer team prays for requests by email on Sundays and additionally as they are received. We treat information as confidential unless otherwise indicated. To protect privacy, requests passed to this team include only the first name or initials of the individual concerned and a brief description of the request. Any use of full names or mention of specific medical procedures or other details is shared only when provided by the person named in the request, that person’s spouse or the parent of a minor child.

Prayer Resources

Models for daily prayer

Wesleyan Covenant Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,

Let me be your servant,

under your command.

I am no longer my own,

but yours.

Put me to what you will,

rank me with whom you will;

put me to doing,

put me to suffering.

Let me be employed for you

or laid aside for you,

enabled for you

or brought low for you. 

Let me be full,

let me be empty.

Let me have all things,

let me have nothing.

I freely and heartily yield

all things to your pleasure

and disposal.

ACTS Prayer

A | Adoration

How much do you love God?

C | Confession

What keeps you apart from God?

T | Thanksgiving

What good has God done?

S | Supplication

How can God help?