Spiritual Gifts
God has gifted each of us to serve
You may notice a distinct absence of the word "volunteer" in our Joplin First vocabulary. Instead, we use the term "serve" Serving sets itself apart by being a sacrificial act, focused on God's will and not our own. God has given each of us a unique set of spiritual gifts which we can use in service of others. Please take the free online Spiritual Gifts Inventory below and share your answers with our Connections Coordinator so that we can find the right spot for you to serve.

Melissa Belk
Connections Coordinator

At Joplin First we prefer the word "Guest" instead of "Visitor." We prepare for our guests, and we use a team of individuals who have the spiritual gift of Hospitality near the top of their gifts inventory. Food & Beverage Coordinators, Greeters, Ushers, and Prayer Partners are just a few of the roles we utilize on a weekly basis.

Worship Arts
We believe Worship is our gift to God and our opportunity to serve others in a way that places their needs above our own. A wide variety of Musicians, Vocalists, Speakers, Audio Technicians, Camera Operators, and Media Presenters serve as an integral part of our in-house and livestream events.

Who is our neighbor? EVERYONE. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to all of those who are in need. Sevanthood, Compassion, Healing, Shepherding, Miracles, Teaching, and Faith are just a few of the spiritual gifts closely associated with addressing the needs of our community.